Five things you need to know about Curiosity
Here are the five facts you need to know about Mars Rover Curiosity.
- Size: compared to the previous Mars Rovers, Opportunity and Spirit the size of a golf car and Pathfinder the size of a microwave oven, Mars Rover Curiosity is the size of a Mini Cooper.
- Landing: different from her previous brothers, the landing system for Curiosity will consist on a parachute to slow down its entry and then a rocket-powered backpack that will control the decent until the rover has completely touched down. More precise way of landing compared to the airbags used in Opportunity and Spirit.
- Tools: ten different instruments will allow Curiosity to examine soil, atmosphere and rocks. The most interesting instrument is the laser that will be capable of vaporizing patches of rock so that it could afterwards carefully examine its organic composition.
- Wheels: Curiosity has six wheels, each of them with an independent motor drive. Also the two front and rear with independent steering allow Curiosity to take 360° turns on its own place. The wheels' diameter will allow Curiosity to roll over obstacles 75 cm high.
- Power: the best part of this Mars Rover is its energy source. Compared to Opportunity and Spirit, which worked with solar cells, this Mars Rover will operate with a nuclear battery, allowing it to go further from the equator, where solar power could not be used.
Here are the five facts you need to know about Mars Rover Curiosity.