What's happening?
A little bit of panic and chaos was caused due to the meteor shower received by Chelyabinsk
but is it a reason to be in panic?
First of all let's see the facts by chronological order:
- Feb 23 2012: Asteroid 2012 DA14, was discovered by the Mallorca, Spain observatory (La Sagra Sky Survey) at a distance of 4.3million km from Earth. Scientists, according to the asteroid's velocity predict that it will have a close fly-by by Feb 15th, 2013.
- Feb 6. 2013: Asteroid DA14 has an estimated size of 45 meters and scientists are completely sure that it will not collide with the planet Earth.
- Asteroid DA14 Speed: 28, 100 km/hr
- Devastation area (if it were to collide): 2200 square km
- Conclusion: don't worry, its not a common object, but it will fly-by at approximately 27,700 km away from Earth (nearly the distance from the moon)
- Where will it be seen: Europe. Asia, Africa.
When suddenly, in Chelyabinsk:
an UNEXPECTED meteor entered Earth's atmosphere
up until now, has been reported a total of approximately 1000 injured, due to the blisters and shattered windows.
This is the crater left by the meteor:
no big deal apparently, but imagine, 1000 injured with this crater of only 4.5 meters big...what could have happened if the 45 meter long entered the Earth's atmosphere?
Why scientists have not been able to explain (yet) the reason why they did not see this one coming?
what do you think...?
was it an extremely astonishing coincidence that scientist predicted an asteroid and they did not see the one colliding with the Earth?
was it a warning?
or just a note saying "remember not all things are predictable..."
don't forget to leave a comment , I'd love to hear your opinion:)
We believe that with all the technology we have now, we can predict, 'control', everything that happens around us. This asteroid just confirmed that we are far away from it and obviously as we get more amazed on the universe outside our Solar System thanks to the newest developments in telescopes, we tend to forget to look nearer to our neighborhood.